Yoni Steam Instructions

Embrace Your Yoni Power, Here’s How:

Follow These Steps:

1. Thoroughly wash hands
2. Sanitize yoni seat & all other materials that you will use for steaming.
3. Boil 2 ½ cups of water for 10 minutes .
4. After boiling water, add 1 Tbsp. of herbs & boil for 5 minutes.
5. Use a heat resistant cloth or glove to remove water and herbs from heat and allow to cool. 
6. Attach yoni seat to your existing toilet seat.
7. Carefully pour herbs & water into yoni seat.
8. Now you’re ready to steam your (yoni) vagina for up to 30 minutes.

Please note the following:

Do not use if you are pregnant, may be pregnant, lactating, have open sores or an IUD.

Recommended use: 3 days before menstrual cycle and 3 days after menstrual cycle.

Please allow water to cool to desired temperature before starting yoni steaming session to avoid

Please note: You must be consistent with yoni steam regiment to experience full results.

Kaynubeauti is not responsible for yoni steam related injuries. Everyone is invited to steam at their own risk. Please be sure to have the correct yoni steam tools, a yoni steaming bowl for boiling water and the appropriate materials to ensure a safe accident free yoni steam experience.
Herbal Blend is all organic. This blend contains traces of peppermint & lavender.
Please read ingredients to ensure no allergic reactions!